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News from ShangHai D
News from ShangHai Daily
Dear Shell lovers, There was a article from "YangTsz Night News" mentioned that a specie call "Pinctadamargaritifera" which produces black pearl among north Taiwan was almost purchased out by Japanese pearl merchants. The unit price for this shell was NT40/Kg. There were about 100000 kg been harvest and sold to Japan per year. Japanese are smart that--those shells will produce black pearls which are thousands times of value than 40/kg. (Black pearl is more precious than regular white ones.) Mr. Zhen Ming Shiou (Vice Researcher of Institute of Central Research) said that. Please protect such rare specie otherwise it will be extinguished. By the way, proffessors, would you tell me what is "Pinctadamargaritifera" ? Any photos to demonstrate us ? Thank you for the education. Look forward to your reply.

數位典藏國家型科技計畫 中央研究院 生物多樣性研究中心版權所有
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