No |
320091230003 | Year |
2009 |
Author |
黃興倬, 李坤瑄, 洪和田, 陳明輝 (Hsin-Drow Huang, Kun-Hsuan Lee, Ho-Tian Hung, Ming-Hui Chen) | Volume & Page |
19(2): 47-69 |
Title (Book Name) |
綠島大型海洋無脊椎動物調查與保育規劃建議 (Survey and Conservation of Large Coral Reef Invertebrates in Lyutao (Green Island)) | ||
Publisher |
國家公園學報 | Journal Name | |
Keyword |
綠島, 海洋無脊椎動物, 軟體動物, 甲殼類, 棘皮動物, 海洋保護區, Lyutao, marine invertebrates, mollusks, crustaceans, echinoderms, marine protected areas (MPAs) |