Shell fossil
Total1385 show 436 -450
Lacation |
Siliquariidae | Siliquaria anguina | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層(Szekou Formation of the western Hengchun tableland, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Cheileidae | Cheilea equestris | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 恆春半島海口村附近晚期隆起珊瑚礁區 (Near the late raised coral reefs of Haikou Village,Hengchun Peninsula) |
Strombidae | Tibia fusus | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 高雄縣甲仙 |
Strombidae | Tibia fusus | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 嘉義縣阿里山區-阿里山公路24.5公里,石鼓盤站河谷落石,可能屬公田石灰岩 |
Strombidae | Tibia fusus | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 南投縣國姓鄉附近-北港溪埔尾地方,白冷層 |
Strombidae | Tibia fusus | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 台中縣東勢鎮 |
Strombidae | Tibia fusus | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 澎湖漁翁島群 |
Strombidae | Tibia fusus | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 南投國姓鄉西南方龜溝村之水裡坑層,深坑段 |
Ovulidae | Calpurnus verrucosus | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層(Szekou Formation of the western Hengchun tableland, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Ovulidae | Calpurnus verrucosus | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 恆春核能發電廠出水口隆起珊瑚礁 (Raised coral reefs, Hengchun Nuclear Power Plant) |
Ovulidae | Ovula ovum | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 恆春半島馬鞍山泥岩(Maanshan Mudstone, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Ovulidae | Volva volva volva | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層(Szekou Formation of the western Hengchun tableland, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Naticidae | Polinices mammilla | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 恆春核能發電廠出水口隆起珊瑚礁 (Raised coral reefs, Hengchun Nuclear Power Plant) |
Naticidae | Sinum neritoidium | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層(Szekou Formation of the western Hengchun tableland, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Naticidae | Sinum neritoidium | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 澎湖漁翁島群 |