Shell fossil
Total1385 show 136 -150
Lacation |
Vermetidae | Serpulorbis imbricatus | (Dunker, 1860) | 苗栗縣龍港地方通霄層 (Tungshiao Formation, Longgang, Miaoli county) |
Lucinidae | Pillucina pisidium | (Dunker, 1860) | 恆春半島海口村附近晚期隆起珊瑚礁區 (Near the late raised coral reefs of Haikou Village,Hengchun Peninsula) |
Turridae | Hemicythara octangulata | (Dunker, 1860) | 嘉義牛埔地方二重溪層 |
Lottiidae | Collisella heroldi heroldi | (Dunker, 1861) | 苗栗縣通霄鎮-通霄層(Tungshiao Formation, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County) |
Turridae | Philbertia leuckarti | (Dunker, 1861) | 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層 |
Cultellidae | Siliqua japonica | (Dunker, 1862) | 澎湖漁翁島群 |
Cultellidae | Phaxas attenuatus | (Dunker, 1862) | 嘉義牛埔地方二重溪層 |
Veneridae | Paphia schnelliana | (Dunker, 1866) | 台南縣六甲鄉水流東崎頂層 |
Turridae | Philbertia granosa | (Dunker, 1871) | 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層(Szekou Formation of the western Hengchun tableland, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Cerithiidae | Cerithium kobelti | (Dunker, 1877) | 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層(Szekou Formation of the western Hengchun tableland, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Cerithiidae | Cerithium kobelti | (Dunker, 1877) | 澎湖漁翁島群 |
Donacidae | Chion semigranosus | (Dunker, 1877) | 苗栗縣龍港地方通霄層 (Tungshiao Formation, Longgang, Miaoli county) |
Pectinidae | Chlamys vesiculosa | (Dunker, 1877) | 恆春半島馬鞍山泥岩(Maanshan Mudstone, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Pectinidae | Chlamys vesiculosa | (Dunker, 1877) | 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層(Szekou Formation of the western Hengchun tableland, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Glycymerididae | Glycymeris vestita | (Dunker, 1877) | 澎湖漁翁島群 |