Olividae 榧螺科:Shell medium to small in size. Spire low cylindrical to high fusiform. Surface glossy with corneous operculum or narrow without operculum. Siphonal canal deep. Parapodia enwraps shell. Live on sand bottom in warm temperate to tropical waters, carnivorous. |
Senitfic Name |
Chinese Name |
omenclator |
photo |
Olivella pulchella |
(Duclos, 1835) |
Olivella pusilla |
(Marrat, 1871) |
Olivella rehderi |
Olsson, 1956 |
Olivella semistriata |
(Gray, 1839) |
Olivella sphoni |
Burch & Campbell, 1963 |
Olivella spreta |
Gould, 1861 |
Olivella spretoides |
雲紋榧螺 |
Yokoyama, 1922 |
Olivella steveni |
Burch & Campbell, 1963 |
Olivella tergina |
(Duclos, 1835) |
Olivella volutella |
(Lamarck, 1811) |
Olivella watermani |
McGinty, 1940 |
Olivella zanoeta |
(Duclos, 1835) |
Olivella zonalis |
(Lamarck, 1811) |