Shell Family of Taiwan
Nassariidae 織紋螺科 contain137 species in Taiwan,show136 - 137
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Nassariidae 織紋螺科Shell generally small, with elevated conical spire and round base. Surface generally smooth, glossy, occasionally with axial and spiral sculptures. Aperture round, with developed columellar callus. Anterior canal short and broad. Outer lip with palatal lirae or denticles. Operculum chitinous with terminal uncleus. Soft bottom in intertidal zone to deep water in temperate to tropical areas. Scavenger.
Senitfic Name
Chinese Name
 Zeuxis smithi   (Marrat, 1877)  
 Zeuxis succinctus 尖頂織紋螺  (A. Adams, 1852)