目前收錄台灣貝類化石共1385 種 記錄736 到750
化石產地 |
Mytilidae | 殼菜蛤科 | Lithophaga straminea | (Reeve, 1857) | 褐石蜊 | 高雄縣鳳山水庫上部古亭坑層 (Upper Gutingkeng Formation of Fengshan Water Reservoir, Kaohsiung county) |
Cheileidae | 晃蓋螺科 | Cheilea scutula | (Reeve, 1859) | 恆春半島海口村附近晚期隆起珊瑚礁區 (Near the late raised coral reefs of Haikou Village,Hengchun Peninsula) | |
Cheileidae | 晃蓋螺科 | Cheilea scutula | (Reeve, 1859) | 恆春核能發電廠出水口隆起珊瑚礁 (Raised coral reefs, Hengchun Nuclear Power Plant) | |
Calyptraeidae | 舟螺科 | Calyptraea morbida | (Reeve, 1859) | 花笠舟螺 | 嘉義牛埔地方二重溪層 |
Calyptraeidae | 舟螺科 | Calyptraea morbida | (Reeve, 1859) | 花笠舟螺 | 澎湖漁翁島群 |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Callithithaca adamsi | (Reeve, 1863) | 花蓮縣大港口長虹橋南側,港口石灰岩 | |
Turridae | 捲管螺科 | Paraclathrella gracilenta | (Reeve, 1895) | 穀粒捲管螺 | 恆春半島馬鞍山泥岩(Maanshan Mudstone, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Turridae | 捲管螺科 | Paraclathrella gracilenta | (Reeve, 1895) | 穀粒捲管螺 | 恆春半島海口村附近晚期隆起珊瑚礁區 (Near the late raised coral reefs of Haikou Village,Hengchun Peninsula) |
Architectonicidae | 車輪螺科 | Philippia radiata | (Roeding) | 苗栗縣通霄鎮-通霄層(Tungshiao Formation, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County) | |
Strombidae | 鳳凰螺科 | Strombus bulla | (Roeding, 1798) | 紅袖鳳凰螺 | 恆春核能發電廠出水口隆起珊瑚礁 (Raised coral reefs, Hengchun Nuclear Power Plant) |
Naticidae | 玉螺科 | Polinices didyma didyma | (Roeding, 1798) | 大玉螺 | 苗栗縣通霄鎮-通霄層(Tungshiao Formation, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County) |
Naticidae | 玉螺科 | Polinices didyma didyma | (Roeding, 1798) | 大玉螺 | 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層(Szekou Formation of the western Hengchun tableland, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Naticidae | 玉螺科 | Polinices didyma didyma | (Roeding, 1798) | 大玉螺 | 高雄縣甲仙鄉,民治村,楠梓仙溪第十號橋附近,南莊層 |
Naticidae | 玉螺科 | Polinices didyma didyma | (Roeding, 1798) | 大玉螺 | 台南市台南層 (Tainan Formation, Tainan city) |
Naticidae | 玉螺科 | Polinices didyma didyma | (Roeding, 1798) | 大玉螺 | 恆春核能發電廠出水口隆起珊瑚礁 (Raised coral reefs, Hengchun Nuclear Power Plant) |