目前收錄台灣貝類化石共1385 種 記錄241 到255
化石產地 |
Cerithiidae | 蟹守螺科 | Clypeomorus coralia | (Kiener, 1834) | 珊瑚蟹守螺 | 高雄縣鳳山水庫上部古亭坑層 (Upper Gutingkeng Formation of Fengshan Water Reservoir, Kaohsiung county) |
Cerithiidae | 蟹守螺科 | Clypeomorus coralia | (Kiener, 1834) | 珊瑚蟹守螺 | 澎湖漁翁島群 |
Cerithiidae | 蟹守螺科 | Clypeomorus purpurascens | (Sowerby, 1887) | 恆春核能發電廠出水口隆起珊瑚礁 (Raised coral reefs, Hengchun Nuclear Power Plant) | |
Cerithiidae | 蟹守螺科 | Clypeomorus subbreviculus | (Oostingh, 1925) | 中廣蟹守螺 | 恆春核能發電廠出水口隆起珊瑚礁 (Raised coral reefs, Hengchun Nuclear Power Plant) |
Cerithiidae | 蟹守螺科 | Rhinoclavis articulata | (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) | 花斑蟹守螺 | 恆春核能發電廠出水口隆起珊瑚礁 (Raised coral reefs, Hengchun Nuclear Power Plant) |
Cerithiidae | 蟹守螺科 | Rhinoclavis kochi | (Philippi, 1848) | 柯氏蟹守螺 | 苗栗縣龍港地方通霄層 (Tungshiao Formation, Longgang, Miaoli county) |
Cerithiidae | 蟹守螺科 | Rhinoclavis kochi | (Philippi, 1848) | 柯氏蟹守螺 | 澎湖漁翁島群 |
Chamidae | 偏口蛤科 | Chama ambigua | Lischke, 1870 | 大偏口蛤 | 恆春半島海口村附近晚期隆起珊瑚礁區 (Near the late raised coral reefs of Haikou Village,Hengchun Peninsula) |
Chamidae | 偏口蛤科 | Chama iostoma | Conrad, 1839 | 紫緣偏口蛤 | 苗栗縣通霄鎮-通霄層(Tungshiao Formation, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County) |
Chamidae | 偏口蛤科 | Chama iostoma | Conrad, 1839 | 紫緣偏口蛤 | 高雄市左營區半屏山石灰岩採石場-琉球石灰岩 |
Chamidae | 偏口蛤科 | Chama iostoma | Conrad, 1839 | 紫緣偏口蛤 | 恆春核能發電廠出水口隆起珊瑚礁 (Raised coral reefs, Hengchun Nuclear Power Plant) |
Chamidae | 偏口蛤科 | Chama japonica | Lamarck, 1819 | 日本偏口蛤 | 苗栗縣通霄鎮-通霄層(Tungshiao Formation, Tongsiao Township, Miaoli County) |
Cheileidae | 晃蓋螺科 | Cheilea equestris | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 風鈴晃蓋螺 | 恆春半島海口村附近晚期隆起珊瑚礁區 (Near the late raised coral reefs of Haikou Village,Hengchun Peninsula) |
Cheileidae | 晃蓋螺科 | Cheilea scutula | (Reeve, 1859) | 恆春半島海口村附近晚期隆起珊瑚礁區 (Near the late raised coral reefs of Haikou Village,Hengchun Peninsula) | |
Cheileidae | 晃蓋螺科 | Cheilea scutula | (Reeve, 1859) | 恆春核能發電廠出水口隆起珊瑚礁 (Raised coral reefs, Hengchun Nuclear Power Plant) |