目前收錄台灣貝類化石共1385 種 記錄1351 到1365
化石產地 |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Gomphina neastartoides | (Yokoyama, 1922) | 澎湖縣七美島隙頂,漁翁島群 | |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Paphia vernicosa | (Gould, 1861) | 高雄市壽山動物園大停車場西方小丘旁-琉球石灰岩 | |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Paphia vernicosa | (Gould, 1861) | 恆春半島恆春石灰岩 (Hengchun Limestone, Hengchun Peninsula) | |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Paphia vernicosa | (Gould, 1861) | 澎湖漁翁島群 | |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Timoclea costellifera | (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) | 台中縣東勢鎮 | |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Timoclea costellifera | (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) | 苗栗縣出磺坑地方 | |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Timoclea costellifera | (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) | 新竹縣竹東鎮獅頭山,獅頭山遊樂場旁,桂竹林層 | |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Timoclea costellifera | (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) | 澎湖漁翁島群 | |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Lioconcha hieroglyphia | Conrad, 1837 | 恆春半島海口村附近晚期隆起珊瑚礁區 (Near the late raised coral reefs of Haikou Village,Hengchun Peninsula) | |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Dosinorbis sericea | (Reeve, 1850) | 嘉義牛埔地方二重溪層 | |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Callista florida | (Lamarck, 1818) | 恆春半島海口村附近晚期隆起珊瑚礁區 (Near the late raised coral reefs of Haikou Village,Hengchun Peninsula) | |
Veneridae | 簾蛤科 | Clementia asiatica | (Melvill, 1899) | 恆春核能發電廠出水口隆起珊瑚礁 (Raised coral reefs, Hengchun Nuclear Power Plant) | |
Vermetidae | 蛇螺科 | Serpulorbis imbricatus | (Dunker, 1860) | 大蛇螺 | 恆春半島恆春石灰岩 (Hengchun Limestone, Hengchun Peninsula) |
Vermetidae | 蛇螺科 | Serpulorbis imbricatus | (Dunker, 1860) | 大蛇螺 | 苗栗縣龍港地方通霄層 (Tungshiao Formation, Longgang, Miaoli county) |
Vitrinellidae | 滑輪螺科 | Pseudoliotia pulchella | (Dunker, 1860) | 白菊齒輪螺 | 苗栗縣出磺坑地方 |