期刊名稱 | 期號及頁碼 |
Chung-Chi Hwang (黃重期) |
2014 |
Hypselostoma kentingensis (Gastropoda: Vertiginidae) sp. nov., a new species of land snail from southern Taiwan. (墾丁高口蝸(Hypselostoma kentingensis sp. nov.),南台灣一新種陸貝) |
貝類學報 (Bulletin of Malacology) |
37: 27-36 |
Pei-Yi Wen and Chung-Chi Hwang (溫佩宜 & 黃重期) |
2014 |
台灣大臍蝸牛與台灣盾蝸牛(腹足綱:扁蝸科)的生殖系統比較解剖. (Comparative anatomy of Aegista (Aegista) subchinensis and Aegista (Plectotropis) mackensii (Gastropoda: Bradybaenidae)) |
貝類學報 (Bulletin of Malacology) |
37: 37-44 |
Wu, Shu-Ping and Tsai, Chi-Li (吳書平 & 蔡奇立) |
2014 |
New Colour Patterns of the Endemic Arboreal Snail Satsuma albida and Satsuma huberi (Mollusca: Camaenidae) from Taiwan. (樹棲性白高腰蝸牛與扈伯爾氏高腰蝸牛的新色型) |
貝類學報 (Bulletin of Malacology) |
37: 45-54 |
Wu, Shu-Ping and Tsai, Chi-Li (吳書平 & 蔡奇立) |
2014 |
The invasive semi-slug Macrochlamys hippocastaneum (Mollusca: Ariophantidae ) as a kind of carnivorous predator that prey on other snails. (捕食其他蝸牛的入侵種掠食者:高音符絲鼈甲蝸牛) |
貝類學報 (Bulletin of Malacology) |
37: 55-60 |
Wu, Shu-Ping and Tsai, Chi-Li (吳書平 & 蔡奇立) |
2014 |
A New Sinistral Satsuma land snail (Pulmonata: Camaenidae) endemic to Taiwan. (臺灣產南亞蝸牛科栗蝸牛屬一左旋新種) |
貝類學報 (Bulletin of Malacology) |
37: 61-72 |
賴景陽、鍾柏生 |
2008 |
台灣產扭法螺 |
貝友 (The Pei-Yo) |
34:3-7 |
鍾柏生 |
2008 |
台灣頂蓋螺五種 |
貝友 (The Pei-Yo) |
34:8-9 |
柯富鐘 |
2008 |
近期發表之菲律賓貝殼 |
貝友 (The Pei-Yo) |
34:10-15 |
洪崇耀 |
2008 |
貝類圖鑑介紹(六) |
貝友 (The Pei-Yo) |
34:16-17 |
王沛然 |
2008 |
貝類的「藝術性價值」概論 |
貝友 (The Pei-Yo) |
34:18-19 |
李洋州 |
2008 |
黑星寶螺 |
貝友 (The Pei-Yo) |
34:20-23 |
鄭煜彬 |
2008 |
南臺灣迷你捲管螺欣賞(三) |
貝友 (The Pei-Yo) |
34:24-31 |
楊翰勳 |
2008 |
台灣的麥螺(二) |
貝友 (The Pei-Yo) |
34:32-38 |
林俊佑 |
2008 |
棘卷花仙螺之同種異名考 |
貝友 (The Pei-Yo) |
34:39-44 |
林俊佑 |
2008 |
紅海產蝦絨海扇蛤 |
貝友 (The Pei-Yo) |
34:45-49 |